Fentanyl: PPE and Decon Recommendations for First Responders

Excerpt: Fentanyl and analogues are water soluble, so expedient decontamination (rinsing) of any contacted areas with water is advisable. Fentanyl in its hydrochloride form (the most common street form) is more soluble than the citrate form (medical grade). Both are more soluble than the free base. Consider adding soap to the wash water to account for the slightly soluble free base. Splashing should be kept to a minimum to avoid aerosolization of the materials. Do not use bleach, alcohol-based solutions, or high pH soaps, as they all may enhance dermal absorption of synthetic opioids.
Full Title: Recommendations on Selection and Use of Personal Protective Equipment and Decontamination Products for First Responders Against Exposure Hazards to Synthetic Opioids, Including Fentanyl and Fentanyl Analogues
Read entire manuscript (PDF) here > IAB Fentanyl Recommendations
Source: InterAgency Board | 1550 Crystal Drive Suite 601, Arlington VA 22202