Planning for emergency decontamination is a major response objective in the event of a hazmat or weapons of mass destruction incident. Emergency decontamination is used to rapidly remove chemical, biological, and radiological hazards. Decon reduces the effects it has on victims and response personnel, and contains hazardous materials on equipment that is contaminated.
Evolve offers decon formulas, sprayers, and kits that aid in the removal of contaminants from individuals and equipment. We also offer decon shelters and equipment that help maintain security and aid in the decontamination process of ambulatory and non-ambulatory victims. Our portfolio products includes:
Mass & single decontamination of victims and equipment
Room & building decontamination solutions
Inflatable & frame decontamination shelters (2, 3, 4 lane options)
Solutions for chemical, biological, & radiological agents
Made in the USA, with raw materials also sourced in the USA